Procedure & Fees

Procedure for Admission

On payment of the prescribed fee, the candidate will be registered. They will be given a registration form. Parents / Guardians of the successful candidates will be required to submit:

  • Transfer Certificate in Original
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Copy of Report Card of Previous Class
  • Copy of Aadhar Cards of the Candidate and both Parents
  • Copy of Residence Proof
  • Latest passport sized photographs student (2 No.), father & mother (1 each)
  • PPP Id (Family Id)
  • SRN No. (if last school attended from Haryana)
  • PEN (Permanent Education Number)

and pay the prescribed fee. The final authority regarding the admission of a candidate to the School lies with the Principal.

The fee and other charges payable are given in the fee structure available at front office. The school fee must be paid in accordance with the rules and regulations specified in it. In case, the fee is not remitted within a month after the due date, the name of the student will be struck off the school rolls and the student may be re-admitted at the discretion of the Principal, on payment of all the arrears and a fresh admission fee. THE FEE ONCE PAID IS NOT REFUNDABLE. Parents / Guardians are requested to clarify any doubts before making payment. They can deposit the fee online.


Parents / Guardians wishing to withdraw a student must give one calendar month’s notice in writing to the Principal or make a pre-payment of one month’s tuition fee in lieu of the aforementioned notice. The Management of the School through the Principal reserves the right to discharge a student from school, in case of any breach of the School rules or on account of persistent poor performance in academics or non-participation in any extra-curricular activities organized by the School. Processing time for issuing of the transfer certificate (TC) is 15 days after the application for withdrawal is received. Request for any document will only be provided if it is pertaining to the last two academic sessions only and not earlier than that.

“Registration does not Guarantee Admission.”

For Academic Session 2025 – 26.

Download/Print Registration Form (2025-26)
(Kindly print this form only on Green Legal size paper and deposit it on any working day from 09:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. after filling it. At the time of submission of the form, a sum of Rs. 300/- is to be deposited with each downloaded form.)

Click Here to View/Download the Admission Form